Talbina Recipe | Healthy Barley Porridge Recipe | How to make Talbina


Talbina Recipe | Healthy Barley Porridge Recipe – Talbina is made from ground barley that has many healing properties. It is mentioned in Tibb-e-Nabawi his great work on “The Prophetic Medicine”. Talbina is a broth made from barley flour together with the husks, and it is similar to barley water,  but the difference is that barley is cooked with whole barley but talbina is cooked with ground barley . Therefore it is more beneficial because it can be digested easier and the nutrients are penetrated into the system quicker. Talbina is one of the best breakfast in the world.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated, “If any of the Messenger’s (peace be upon him) family became ill, the Messenger (pbuh) would say, ‘It (talbina) soothes the grieving heart and cleanses the ailing heart just as one of you cleans dirt off his face with water.’ ” [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3445), hadeeth hasan].

Talbina is a simple dish that was enjoyed by the prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) and his companions. It is made from barley flour, milk, water and is often sweetened with honey.  The prophet (peace be upon him) used this dish as a means for curing the sick and to comforting those who have lost loved ones. This recipe knowledge is for Mankind.

Healthy food. Nutritious and energetic breakfast for kids. Based on personal experience with my 5 year old 🙂

how to make talbina

I have shared an easy and quick Barley porridge recipe in a step by step method with a detailed pictures below.

In a vessel pour milk.

Healthy Barley Porridge Recipe

Add ground Barley. stir constantly.

talbina recipe with steps

Heat for 10-15 minutes till the milk boils while stirring the porridge with a spoon continously.

Talbina Recipe

Pour the hot porridge in a bowl and finally add honey as per your taste.

Talbina Recipe | Healthy Barley Porridge Recipe

Topped with dates your talbina is ready to serve.

Talbina Recipe | Healthy Barley Porridge Recipe

Talbina Recipe – INGREDIENTS

  • 250 ml cup milk
  • 2 tbsp talbina/ Barley
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1-2 dates


  • Talbinah [with milk/water& honey]
  • Add 2- 3 tablespoon oh barley in 250ml of milk/water. Heat for 10-15minute till the milk/water boils while stirring the porridge with a spoon continuously. Pour the hot porridge in a bowl & finally add honey as per your taste, your talbina is ready.

Health Benefits

  • Talbina reduces the cholestrol level
  • control the high blood pressure
  • Helps in loss of body weight
  • Reduces extra fat
  • Removes fat from the abdomen cures obesity
  • Helps in digestion
  • Give strength to the body
  • Blocks agents of breast cancer, colon, esophagus, skin, and stomach
  • Removes arterial plagues that accumulated in arteries.

Prep Time:5 Mins
Cook Time:10 Mins
Total Time:20 Mins
Servings: 2 Adult
Course: Starters
Cuisine:- Middle Eastern,Prophetic
Keyword Tags:#Talbina#HealthyMix#superfood#prophetic Advice#Barley#barleyfood

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