Fateer | baked paratha recipe | pancakes recipe


Fateer is an Egyptian dish made in wedding ceremony and festivals.Its a flaky layered pastry stuffed with sweet and savory inside.My attempt is to recreate fateer as best as I can.I had this delicious cheesy fateer once I visited to my bro place in Dubai.Its an amazing mouth watering delicious recipe.kids love it!

I have shared my easy recipe in step by step method with a detailed pictures.

In a deep bottom pan add oil,salt,red chilli powder and cumin powder.Finally add chicken and cook until it changes tender.

Knead the firm dough.let it rest for 15 minutes.Roll the dough as thin as transparent.Stuff the chicken mixture in the center.

Grate the cheese add herbs and chilli flakes .spread the cheese on top of the chicken.

Fold the fateer on all sides.Apply melted butter or cream to get a nice golden color.

Pre heat the oven on 200degree.Baked the fateer until it changed golden brown on bottom.

Serve fateer hot with a cup of tea.


  • Chicken 200 gm
  • Mozzarella cheese 100 gm
  • Chopped tomato 1
  • Coriander leaves
  • Mixed herb/ kasuri methi 2 tbsp
  • Salt as needed
  • Red chilli powder 1 tsp
  • Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
  • Cumin powder 1 tsp


  • All purpose flour/ maida 2 cup
  • Water
  • Salt

Instructions :

  • Wash and clean the chicken.
  • In a kadai add oil, Ginger garlic paste,salt ,red chilli powder and cumin powder,chicken cubes.cook them till chicken changes tender.Allow it to cool.
  • Shred the chicken add chopped tomato and keep aside.
  • Grate a cheese add chilli flakes and mixed herb.kerp aside.
  • Knead the dough by adding water and salt.let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Roll the dough in a small square as thin as transparent.Apply oil while rolling the dough to get a nice flaky layer.
  • Fold the squares on two sides to make a rectangle.Adf chicken mixture.spread the cheese on top.Fold them on all sides.
  • Pre heat oven for 7 minutes.
  • Baked the fateer until it changes golden brown on bottom.
  • Serve fateer hot with a cup of tea.

Join the Conversation

  1. Tasty fatir best it is baked crispy mouth watering paranta

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